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I'm a painter, mixed media artist, and writer,  and I'm eager to share my journey with you.

Two are better than one

Explore My Gallery

Working primarily in acrylic and mixed media, my recent work blends realism over layers of text and textures, evoking memories, dreams, and my spiritual journey. My work is often inspired by a fleeting moment so intriguing, I want to capture it, personalize it, and share it with others.


Commission a Pet Portrait

I delight in capturing the unique personalities of every pet I am privileged to commemorate in a portrait. See examples of my work and find out how you can commission a portrait for yourself or for someone special in your life. 

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Read My Blog

Like the layers beneath the surface of many of my paintings, here I share the stories behind my work: my inspiration, observations and process. I find that viewers are often delighted to discover that there is more to what I'm doing than first meets the eye. Writing about my work has become a natural part of my creative journey.

© 2024 by Karen Lembo

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